
Wolf, Bear and Turtle are the three clans of the Oneida Nation. Ours is a matrilineal society, which means your clan and Nation membership all come from your mother.

The Wolf Clan is responsible for providing guidance on the earth. They are known as the pathfinders. They give us direction in the way we should go on the pathways of life. The wolf is responsible for guiding the people in their lives to live in the way the Creator has meant for them.

The wolf has taught us to use our ears and to be watchful.

The wolf has a strong sense of family.

Dimensions: 25"H X 50"L X 1"D

Traditionally, stories were not told until the first snow fall. Iroquois oral culture sustains many traditions and ceremonies. In earlier times, when life was more agricultural and settled, young people had the opportunity and inclination to listen to the old stories. The oral tradition developed young people's capacity for remembering long, involved speeches and songs. Storytelling was a cultural contact between generations. Story-tellers used a variety of memory aids, including canes, staffs, wampum beads and belts, feather arrangements and stone construction. These devices helped to convey messages and strengthened memory of the customs and beliefs of a people.