Garden Sculpture


This sculpture is 28" x 68"

We acknowledge and give greetings to the trees of the world. They continue to perform the instructions, which were given. The maple trees are symbols as the head of the trees. It is the maple trees that provide us with sap for our syrup and is the first sign of the rebirth of spring. The trees provide us with shelter, shade, and fruits. They provide us our baskets, canoes, drums, and many useful items. Long ago, our people were given a way of peace and strength, and the everlasting tree of peace symbolizes this way.

(Iroquois Prayer of Thanksgiving)

Please email us your shipping address along with sculpture(s) you're interested in purchasing, we will reply with an accurate shipping price before you order.

Shipping and Handling via UPS ground with insurance.

(Same cost to ship 2 in same box) If you order 2 or more, please drop us a note detailing your order and we will issue an invoice with the adjusted shipping and handling charges. Click Here to send us a note at:

Set of 36 inch steel stakes included with each sculpture (Sculpture slides over stakes to be free-standing in garden all year ... and looks great in the snow!)